February 11 is Get Out Your Guitar Day

Deadpool knows what today is.

Here at Happy Clam Gifts, we have some guitarists among us. (I can’t vouch for Deadpool’s talent though, other than his katana skills. I actually found that guitar for him, just for this special occasion.)

We do, however, have some Funko Pops that keep their guitar out all year long. So let’s celebrate them today, for all the jams that made us happy throughout our youth.

So if you’ve got a guitar stashed away somewhere, get it out and rock out today. Play a little James Taylor, Jim Croce, or Jimi Hendrix. Just play.

Other Verbal Masterpieces

January 29 is Curmudgeons Day

Ata-Boy Button Small 1.25″ Pinback Grumpy Cat No

Yes – it is. It can still be fun to actually celebrate those who can’t stand celebrations. Challenge yourself to embrace the curmudgeons in your life. Gift them with your friendship and companionship, for they probably need it the most.

It’s funny, too, how some people wear their crankiness like a badge of honor. For them, we have the Ata-Boy button Grumposaur, sorta like a button of honor:

Another fun gift for a cantankerous type is our Funko Pop Grumpy. It’s a perfect little totem for that special crotchety person in your life:

Or maybe you know someone who’s only crabby towards people, but are downright kind and gentle with animals. Well, we have a cat that’s the perfect match:

If the curmudgeon you want to celebrate is a true-blue incarnation of the Burgermeister Meisterburger, he or she might not want to be bothered with toys. Perhaps some practical fridge magnets will hit the gift sweet spot:

And finally, if the ol’ stick-in-the-mud really resists all forms of celebrating themself on this special day, you can resort to getting them this single magnet to let them know that yes, you do understand, and it’s okay to remain 100% curmudgeony on January 29:

Other Verbal Masterpieces

St. Patrick’s Day Cheers to Us and a Coupon Code

Anne Taintor Magnet I See You've Already Penciled In "Hangover" For Tomorrow Morning

One year ago, you and I (along with 7.8 billion of our closest friends) all started traipsing through an Alice in Coronavirusland existence. What a trippy, tragic year it’s been. So, as we literally breathe a little easier, mask notwithstanding, this St. Patrick’s Day needs to be celebrated to the hilt.

We just went through a year-long Lent of abstaining from…well, everything. So cheers to all of us who momentarily can cast aside their troubles and grief on this holiday. Trust me, my friend, we’re right there with ya.

We all need a little help from our friends. Celebrate with some buddies for St. Paddy’s. Bonus if they’re vaccinated!

We totally get it if in the last year you got surly and ill-mannered. Eh! Laugh it off. Forgiven and bygones.

It’s not the end of the world even if you ended up on someone’s list:

Besides, maybe you just weren’t in the mood to put up with anyone else’s BS anymore. Even if you’re okay with your own (as it should be!).

And of course, a lot of us binge-ate some comfort food while we binged Netflix.

Although some of us were too depressed to eat much.

When it got too overwhelming, we were left to our own devices.

But hey, now look at you – look at all of us! We made it! It’s time to look forward to upgrading our happiness the rest of this year. We’re definitely with ya on that. We got your back and we’ll keep doing our part to spread fun and goofiness.

Lots of thanks and hugs to our fun-loving customers who continue undaunted in their quest for hilarious and delightful gifts. Here’s a 10% off coupon to keep life silly and whimsical with good vibes to all:

Coupon expires April 10, 2021. Apply the code in your Cart or at Checkout: CHEERS TO US