February is Pet Dental Health Month

Deadpool demonstrates proper teethbrushing for Funko Pop Cheshire Cat while the Domos wait their turn.

Even though I love animals, our pet population at home is limited to just one hyperactive dog and a lazy, senior cat, along with a coral reef tank of really shy fish. I wish I could adopt all kinds of animals, except the ones that’ll eat me when I’m not looking. Unfortunately, I also have a restraining order against all sharks and alligators.

We all like to indulge our pets with hugs and kisses (although my fish will sometimes put up a fight). What’s not fun is being blasted with animal bad breath. Spare your pets some embarrassment by simply brushing their teeth for them. You’ll save your dog and cat from periodontal disease and save your dollars from being devoured by a huge vet bill later.

My doggo Zulu doesn’t mind getting his teeth brushed daily. I use an apparently delicious toothpaste for dogs that gets a lot of really good reviews from – I’m assuming – dogs (that can type). His breath always smells good and he’s really confident flirting with the ladies.

So this post is just a reminder to keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy, not just during February. We’d like to thank Funko Pop Cheshire Cat and Deadpool for the demonstration above. This Cheshire Cat Funko Pop makes a fun gift for a veterinary dentist.

And now one more photo of my smiley pupper Zulu…

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January 29 is Curmudgeons Day

Ata-Boy Button Small 1.25″ Pinback Grumpy Cat No

Yes – it is. It can still be fun to actually celebrate those who can’t stand celebrations. Challenge yourself to embrace the curmudgeons in your life. Gift them with your friendship and companionship, for they probably need it the most.

It’s funny, too, how some people wear their crankiness like a badge of honor. For them, we have the Ata-Boy button Grumposaur, sorta like a button of honor:

Another fun gift for a cantankerous type is our Funko Pop Grumpy. It’s a perfect little totem for that special crotchety person in your life:

Or maybe you know someone who’s only crabby towards people, but are downright kind and gentle with animals. Well, we have a cat that’s the perfect match:

If the curmudgeon you want to celebrate is a true-blue incarnation of the Burgermeister Meisterburger, he or she might not want to be bothered with toys. Perhaps some practical fridge magnets will hit the gift sweet spot:

And finally, if the ol’ stick-in-the-mud really resists all forms of celebrating themself on this special day, you can resort to getting them this single magnet to let them know that yes, you do understand, and it’s okay to remain 100% curmudgeony on January 29:

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